I can just hear my Mother now, "Oh my God Kevin, what have you got yourself into now?"
I have a Blog, Mom.
"Well maybe the Doctor can give you something for that. I think your Uncle John had one and he lived to 92."
Generation Gap.
So a Blog is supposed to have a theme? I guess the theme will be Musings of a Photographer. Insights into my world, my inspirations, my motivations. Moments of sanity. Moments of not. I'll share some images, some ramblings, maybe some tips.
Blogging is foreign to me, but so was Digital Photography until 10 years ago, Parenthood 11 years ago, marriage 21 years ago. Shit or get off the pot. Do or die. You never know until you try it.
Are you allowed to swear on a Blog? Until someone tells me otherwise.....
Let's start off with a concert photo, shall we? Taken with a Canon G9 from too far away with a compact camera - but hey they may have stopped me if I had tried to enter with my Nikon D3 and a 300 mm lens. But it's The Eagles, one of my absolute favorite bands of all time. Amazing show.